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R. Gallery 啟發自義大利文“Rinascimento” (英譯Renaisssance),以此呼應文藝復興時期的人文主義精神,作為R. Gallery內在精神象徵。我們將從當代生活出發,傳遞出我們時代裡藝術及藝術創作對人文精神與自由意志的回響。 

R. Gallery 藝術總監 Tina Hsiao 蕭婷文,前身為Rhythm Gallery綠境藝廊共同創辦人之一,創立自2014年,長期為城市注入當代藝術與美學鑑賞之活水而努力。2018年開始,為了擴大全球性視野,重新定調,尋找更具前瞻的人文思維,於2018年4月正式以「R. Gallery」嶄新的品牌面貌露面問世。

未來R. Gallery將持續以作為國際當代藝術與美學交流平台為志,連結亞、歐、美洲等具備充沛人文精神的藝術創作。除此,更將以創新跨界的合作模式,引薦豐富多元的藝術氛圍,在全球重要城市發聲,同時也發揚亞洲當代藝術於國際平台。期盼在藝術環境的更迭中,堅持以知性與美感來創造當代生活的新興價值。

R. Gallery is named after the Italian word “Rinascimento” (Eng: Renaissance), in which is characterized by Renaissance humanism, to show the spiritual symbol of R. Gallery. Based on the contemporary life, we aim to voice the response of art and artistic creation to the humanism and the free will in our times.


R. Gallery is founded by the cofounder of Rhythm Gallery. Founded in 2014, Rhythm Gallery had long been striven to nourish the city with contemporary art and aesthetics appreciation. Since 2018, to broaden the global perspective ,we have repositioned ourselves and attempted to develop the more proactive thinking of humanism. April 2018, the new brand. R. Gallery, is officially launched.


R. Gallery will continue acting as the communication platform of international contemporary art and aesthetics, connecting humanistic artistic creation in Asia, Europe, and America. Moreover, we adopt new crossover cooperation to introduce distinctive art to the world and carry forward the Asia contemporary art. We hope to persist in creating new value of contemporary lives with intellect and aesthetic under the circulation of art.

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