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Our first show of the New York branch will open June 20 at 219 East 81st Street, NY, NY.   Again we will have a selection of four international artists who each in their own way reflect on perception, connection and philosophy in general. 


Manuel Fernández' (Spain, 1977) artistic practice begins at the intersection of art, popular culture and Internet. He explores the impact of technologies on society and their consequences in the way we perceive and experience reality. He presents three Glicee prints of his Brush Stock series.


Morgan O'Hara's (Los Angeles, 1943) LIVE TRANSMISSION drawings are a record, performed in real time, of the vital movement of living beings. They transcend both figuration and abstraction. She draws methodically with multiple razor-sharp pencils and both hands, as time-based performance, executing a direct neural transmission from one human action into another. 


Ross McCarry (UK, 1981) created drawings, colorful rectangles that mimic the spines of covers of the vinyl records he has been spinning in the past. Being a digital DJ now, Ross invokes his nostalgia with limited edition, wax based pencil drawings.


Ben Dierckx (Belgium, 1971) presents 3 paintings of his Decorations series. He depicts isolated details of traditional decorative patterns. The segments are taken out of their historial context and placed on a monochrome background as if they were letters floating around, trying to find their word again, or not.


The Outline

June 20, 2015 - June 21 2015

Manuel Fernández, Morgan O'Hara, Ross McCarry, Ben Dierckx



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