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受邀參展法國藝術家季勇Guillaume Hebert(左)、當代知名策展暨藝評人張禮豪Chang Li-Hao、藝廊總監Tina Hsiao、受邀參展藝術家小山俊孝Koyama Toshitaka(右)

「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展




感謝Dr. Lobsang預防醫學中心洛桑院長撥冗蒞臨開幕之夜!


藝廊總監Tina Hsiao 為台北國際攝影節大會主席康台生理事長伉儷 細心導覽

「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展


「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展



「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展

感謝TAT理事長潘董事長帶領企業家前輩們的蒞臨與支持! 與台北國際攝影節大會主席康理事長一同合影

「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展

「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展

「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展

感謝各位R. Gallery之友蒞臨支持年底大展「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展的開幕之夜


       感謝各位好友蒞臨支持年底大展「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展的開幕之夜,當天晚會交流氣氛熱絡,現場前來祝賀與參觀的嘉賓雲集,此次由R. Gallery統籌策劃與推薦的展出藝術家作品備受各界關注與肯定,當日晚會進行至近午夜時刻才正式圓滿落幕!本次邀請展出的法國藝術家季勇以「海」系列首次公開發表,另一位則邀請到台灣人氣藝術家小山俊孝則以「牆」系列作為本次展出代表,更榮幸邀請到當代知名藝評人張禮豪為眼前充滿詩意般的兩位藝術家與作品撰文推薦,以充滿哲思而精闢的文字引領觀者遊走其中,並企圖帶領觀者找尋當中最具共鳴的一片淨地。

「暗潮築牆 MER MUR」台法攝影藝術雙個展即日起正式展開,歡迎各位有興趣的朋友親臨欣賞與交流!

展覽時間 / 2016.11.18(五)~2017.01.07(六) 下午1點至晚間7點

( 每週日一休館,歡迎來電預約) 

        Many thanks to the guests who had been to the opening of “MER MUR”-a duo exhibition of French artist Guillaume Hebert and Taiwanese artist Koyama Toshitaka. On the opening day, as the evening approached, so were our guests and visitors. Both artists and acclaimed art critic Mr. Chang Li-hao, who dedicated an article to the exhibition, were also at the event to join the cheerful crowd, exchanging insights and laughters. This joyous and successful opening was sealed by midnight with a beautiful mark. That night, along with the steps of the artists, we were drifting in the sea of wisdom and speculating upon the wall of minds. Within each poetic imagery we found a mirror for our emotional resonance. 

Since “MER MUR” is now officially open to everyone, please come and feel the artists’ unique and philosophical presence. 

Exhibition Date / 2016.11.18(Fri)~2017.01.07(Sat) 1pm-7pm

(Tue. to Sat. or by appointment )

R. Gallery 

誠 摯 邀 請

You are cordially invited

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