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「藝質其境」國際當代藝術聯展暨三週年開幕之夜 精彩花絮

/// Sublimation of Boundaries International Contemporary Art Exhibition &  3rd. Anniversary Invitation ///

                                                                                            【 當代藝術繁星閃耀 ‧ 開幕之夜越夜璀璨!! 】

        感謝各界嘉賓與好友蒞臨「藝質其境」當代藝術聯展的開幕之夜,不僅見證R. Gallery向經營第四年大步邁進,更重要是彼此齊聚為此次國際當代藝術家聯展揭開精彩序幕! R. Gallery畫國內外8位藝術家聯手展出,以「藝質其境」策展之名,邀請大家一同注目每位藝術家多樣化的作品面貌,透過展覽所營造的概念與空間形式進一步結合,企圖展現參展藝術作品共有的一股迷人氣息,一種清新且獨特、高雅而脫俗的氣質與境界。

        此策展邀請到展出藝術家有陶文岳Tao Wen-yueh、郭弘坤HKUN 、李明學Lee Ming-hsueh、謝清安Ian Hsieh、張子晴Chang Tzu-ching,另外還有首次登台展出的泰國抽象畫藝術家泰嘉Sudaporn Teja,以及跨界亮相的台法藝術家夫婦TARTARE也一同共襄盛舉展出。10月18號展覽開幕之夜現場嘉賓雲集,大多為一睹這次獨特經典的展覽樣貌,而全體參展藝術家也特別出席與參與活動晚宴,整場活動自晚間6點半正式展開,人潮持續湧入至午夜約11點左右,開幕夜才圓滿告一段落,展覽的作品佳評如潮、引發各界關注與收藏!




展覽時間 / 2017.10.18(三)~12.02(六) 13:00~19:00 

    Thanks everyone who had attended the opening night of Sublimation of Boundaries International Art Exhibition for celebrating the 3rd. anniversary, and joining in the grandly kick-off of the exhibition. R. Gallery has invited 8 artists at home or abroad to join the exhibition. Under the name "Sublimation of Boundaries", we focus on the features shown in the creation of every artist. By the concept of the exhibition and the form of the space, we aim to show a pure and unique, as well as elegant and celestial concept shared by every artist. 

    Not only do we invited the artist Tao Wen-yueh, HKUN, Lee Ming-hsueh, Ian Hsieh, and Chang Tzu-ching, Thailand abstract artist Sudaporn Teja also joins the exhibition as her debut in Taiwan, and the Taiwanese-French-artist couple TARTARE also join as crosover cooperation. Every artist has joined the opening night on 18th . There were full of guests witnessing the unique exhibition with special and classic crew of artists. The opening night started at 18:30 and did not bring to a successful close until 23. Special thanks for the guests attending the opening night. We could see the popularity of the artists from the photo and we really appreciate your attention and support for R. Gallery. 

    Sublimation of Boundaries International Art Exhibition has been opening up and would last until 12/2. We would also hold artist lectures or aesthetics salon every weekend during the exhibition. Cordially invited!


Duration | 13:00-19:00, Thus.-Sat., Oct. 18 to Dec. 2, 2017 
(Opening Hours 1pm - 7pm Tue. - Sat. or by appointment )


R. Gallery

誠 摯 邀 請 您 蒞 臨

You are cordially invited.

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