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Sublimation of Boundaries International Contemporary Art Exhibition

3th. Anniversary Invitation 創立三週年

Oct. 18th 2017 - Dec. 2ed. 2017

10/18~12/2「藝質其境」當代藝術聯展Sublimation of Boundaries International Contemporary Art Exhibition

10/18~12/2「藝質其境」當代藝術聯展Sublimation of Boundaries International Contemporary Art Exhibition

陶文岳 Tao Wen-yueh

陶文岳 Tao Wen-yueh

郭弘坤 HKUN

郭弘坤 HKUN

李明學 Lee Ming-hsueh

李明學 Lee Ming-hsueh

謝清安 Ian Hsieh

謝清安 Ian Hsieh

泰 嘉 Sudaporn Teja

泰 嘉 Sudaporn Teja

張子晴 Chang Tzu-ching

張子晴 Chang Tzu-ching



10/18~12/2「藝質其境」當代藝術聯展Sublimation of Boundaries International Contemporary Art Exhibition


Sublimation of Boundaries International Contemporary Art Exhibition

/// 創立三週年 3th. Anniversary Invitation ///

陶文岳 Tao Wen-yueh 
郭弘坤 HKUN 

李明學 Lee Ming-hsueh 
謝清安 Ian Hsieh 
泰  嘉 Sudaporn Teja
張子晴 Chang Tzu-ching


特別跨界邀請 Tartare

文 | 嚴仲唐



在以往藝術史的發展中,有許多的流派與風格,於英文與運動(movement)同義,本次聯展以此概念為發想,將藝術風格與發展的過程加諸變動的元素想像與聯想。其中行動、變化等元素都是探討的主題,唯一不變的是每位藝術家獨到的精華特質,不僅帶有前瞻性,也保有賞析藝術創作中不可或缺的靈魂要素。因為藝術的形式不斷的在改變、昇華、超逸、脫俗,衍生清新優雅、而不變的藝術本質則是可意會不可言傳(Je ne sais quoi)的迷人,不斷的挑戰自我追求進步,不止於從容,更要高雅脫俗。在六位藝術家的激盪下,李明學超越日常的概念簡潔有力、陶文岳映出多層次內心世界的抽象語彙、郭弘坤探討海島、歷史與情感的多媒材創作、謝清安流暢的透過非具象途徑表達自然與再造的對比與共生、張子晴將生命種種結合立體肌理付諸於變幻的色彩、泰國藝術家泰嘉(Sudaporn Teja)則是利用如神話般深邃的筆觸表達過去與現在人生中的百態,共同探索概念昇華的可能性。此次展覽特別邀約藝術家Tartare夫婦跨界合作,靜物系列以金屬媒材打造出優雅靈動的輪廓曲線,另一現地創作的裝置作品則將展現花藝與空間的時尚概念,敬邀各位嘉賓一起參與美感與視覺的悸動與提升。


Text | Jason Chung Tang Yen

We see in order to move; we move in order to see. ––William Gibson


In the course of the development of art history, there were many style and movements, R. Gallery presents the group show titled: “Sublimation of Boundaries” to discuss elements of such change in artistic style in connotation to works by contemporary artists. The subject of discussion include movement, transformation among others; while the constant that remains is the exclusive individuality of each artist, which are not just pioneering, but also possessing the indispensable elements of the soul. As the form of art undergo constant change, sublimation, transcendence, rebirth, the intrinsic nature of art remains to have a certain je ne sais quoi factor that is alluring and intangible, relentlessly challenging itself and progressing, which doesn’t stop at mere stylishness but to pursuit sophisticated elegance above and beyond. Under the interaction of six artists, Lee Ming-hsueh’s concept of hyper-daily lives is succinct and minimal, Tao Wen-yueh reflects his layers of abstract visual linguistic from his inner world, HKUN examines concepts of islands, history, and emotions with his multimedia works, Ian Hsieh fluidly presents the contrast and symbiotic state of nature and nurture through nonrepresentational means, Chang Tzu-ching merges components of her life in textured flows of colors, and Thai artist Sudaporn Teja utilizes mythic brushstrokes to convey her past and present life in various sentiments, together they all explore the ideas of sublimation and various possibilities. This exhibit has specially invited the artist couple Tartare , their “still life” series present amazing floral trees with metallic materials, to contour graceful, elegant and vivid form . The site-specific installation will manifest the ideology of the combination of the space and the art of flowers and feathers in a chic presentation of concept, please join us for a mesmeric journey of poignant visual stimulation.


開幕之夜 / 2017.10.18(三) 18:30~21:00

展覽時間 / 2017.10.18(三)~12.02(六) 13:00~19:00 

OPENING Night | 18:30-21:00, Wed., Oct. 18, 2017
Duration | 13:00-19:00, Thus.-Sat., Oct. 18 to Dec. 2, 2017 


R. Gallery
誠 摯 邀 請 蒞 臨 開 幕
You are cordially invited

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