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「艷 Exuberant」張子晴2017創作個展 CHANG TZU-CHING Solo Exhibition

 R_INVITATION 2017迎新春賀歲首波展覽推薦

Jan 21th 2017 - Fed 28th 2017

1/21~2/28「艷 Exuberant」張子晴2017創作個展

1/21~2/28「艷 Exuberant」張子晴2017創作個展

1/21~2/28「艷 Exuberant」張子晴2017創作個展

1/21~2/28「艷 Exuberant」張子晴2017創作個展

「艷 Exuberant」張子晴2017創作個展 CHANG TZU-CHING Solo Exhibition 


2017年1月21日(六) 15:00~19:00 

「艷 Exuberant」張子晴2017創作個展  開幕酒會

CHANG TZU-CHING Solo Exhibition Opening



藝術家張子晴是R. Gallery所代理的藝術家中最為年輕的女性藝術家,也是新時代繪畫創作者中最亮眼的新星之一,2016年底參與. R. Gallery於美國西雅圖所策展「抽象當代‧節奏之美」站上國際舞台進行作品發表,並受到國內外、各界專業與企業家的激賞與典藏。而如此受歡迎、充滿人氣的藝術家張子晴,其創作中充滿帶有滿滿詩性,宛如一位詩人巧用大量顏料,以手感有溫度的表現形式,營造一種某一刻行進中的情緒與氛圍,不禁吸引觀者投入並沉醉在畫面之中。


貴賓預展(RSVP) / 2017.01.20(五) 18:30~21:00

開幕茶會 / 2017.01.21(六) 15:00~19:00

展覽時間 / 2017.01.21(六)~02.28(二) 13:00~19:00



During the two years from 2014 - 2016, artist Chang Tzu-Ching went through several important stages of life: marriage, pregnancy, giving birth, and raising a child. As this period of time brought inner conflict and turmoil and she struggled to handle the daily emotional rollercoaster, artwork served as a form of spiritual therapy. In 2017, she released "Exuberant," an all-new work, divided into four sections: Marriage, Pregnancy, Laughter, and Calm Lake. It describes the experience of marriage, having children, starting a family, and ultimately the struggle to overcome life's challenges and recover one's complete, independent self. "Marriage" and "Pregnancy" are set in different time periods, where the colors of the environment become part of the artwork. "Laughter" and "Calm Lake" symbolize a complete household, where the wife or mother plays an integral role. In the process, Chang learned that her emotions affect every member of the family, as her role brings great pressure and no compensation. She tries to strike a balance between time, space, mood, artwork, children, and household, employing a warm, rhythmic, and tactile style that comprehensively details the hardship and suffering of this part of life's journey.


Chang Tzu-Ching is the youngest female artist represented by R. Gallery as well as a rising star in the art community. At the end of 2016, her work was displayed at "An Exclusive Rhythm Show of CONTEMPORARY ARTS," an exhibition held by R. Gallery in Seattle, where it received international attention and praise and was purchased by experts and business owners. Although a highly popular artist, Chang's work is poetic, as if one used a great quantity of paint and a warm tactile style to capture an ongoing emotion and atmosphere. It draws in the viewer, who becomes lost in the beauty of the picture.       

VIP Preview | 18:30-21:00, Fri., Jan. 20, 2017
Opening | 15:00-19:00, Sat., Jan. 21, 2017
Duration | 13:00-19:00, Sat., Jan. 21, to Tue., Feb. 28, 2017 (Closed by Chinese New Year Vacation around 2017.1.25~2.1)



R. Gallery
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You are cordially invited

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