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/// LIANG JING Solo Exhibition of Taipei ///


        本次展覽由紐約、台北連線策展合作,並以雙個展形式在台北與桃園兩展場同時開展,而其中藝術家梁靜最經典的「黑空 」X 「空間-不在當下」雙系列便是以台北展場為主要展場正式亮相!看似充滿東方氣韻的畫面,眼前映入著各式砂石結合彩墨的當代媒材運用,創作脈絡從具象到抽象的演變,展現出源源不絕的原創力與爆發力,作品內涵中就時間、空間與存在的抽象哲思,更引導著參觀者進入其冥想時空,展開一場心靈無聲的對談,獨特的語彙讓親臨現場的參觀者無不懾服於梁靜所創造的美學與精神疆域。梁靜國際巡迴台北特展即日起已開展至3/3,2/13至2/20春節休館一周,歡迎各界好友把握時間親臨感受與鑑賞!


展覽時間 / 2018.02.03(六)~2018.03.03(六) 13:00~19:00 
(開放時間為週二至週六,其他時間歡迎來電預約 )

    Thanks for attending the VIP preview and the opening of “LIANG JING Solo Exhibition.” LIANG JING has overwhelmed everyone with the charm of his artworks. Even though we had a cold spell on the preview and the opening day, there were still lots of guests attending with the determination to view the uniqueness in the works in person. We have received much praise since the opening, and collectors are all attracted to know more details.

     LIANG JING Solo Exhibition is arranged under the cooperation between New York and Taipei curators, and the opening was held simultaneously at both Taipei and Taoyuan gallery in the form of double solo exhibition. Among all of LIANG JING’ s works, the must-see series, Black Void and Space-Not Now, are mainly shown at Taipei gallery. The seemingly oriental image was actually exquisite utilization of contemporary materials such as sand combined with Tsai-Mo. The change between concretion to abstraction in the image shows the originality and the potential of the artist. His thought of time, space ,and existence shown in his works also attracts viewers to enter his world of meditation to have a silent but spiritual conversation with the works. His unique idiom made every viewer marvel at the the domain of aesthetics and spirit which he created in his works. LIANG JING Solo Exhibition have been open till 3rd, Mar and would be closed on 13th, Feb to 20th, Feb for Chinese New Year. We welcome every guest to attend.

Duration | 13:00-19:00, Tue.-Sat., Feb. 03, 2018 to Mar. 03, 2018 
(Opening Hours 1pm - 7pm Tue. - Sat., or by appointment  ) 


R. Gallery
誠 摯 邀 請 您 蒞 臨 
You are cordially invited.

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