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2019.5.30 Urban Tribes「都會部落」首部展覽開幕成功


藝術家程仁珮(CHENG, Jen Pei),林珮淳(Pey-Chwen LIN),曾鈺涓(Yu-chuan TSENG),杜珮詩(Pei Shih TU)特自臺灣前來參加;另外,旅居紐約藝術家蕭喆旻(Chemin HSIAO),孟祥璐(Lulu Meng)與台裔第二代 Kelly TSAI,及匈牙利美裔藝術家 Steven BALOGH ,南美裔第二代 Andrea CORONIL ,墨西哥美裔 Felipe GALINDO 均將參與 6 月 8 日活動。另外策展團隊主規劃人李美華(Luchia Meihua Lee),紐約拉丁美洲藝術中心(El Taller Latino Americano)館長 Jennifer Plieg ,還有台灣歷史學家與作家的王善卿(Alessandra Wang)等共同參與本次討論會及開幕,紐約藝術基金會總監 Michael Royce ,台美文藝協會董事及協同創辦人黃再添先生,協和門窗陳秋貴董事長均將前來出席,討論會將由紐約藝術基金會 Mark Rossier 座談主持。




1. Miya ANDO 成長於蘇聯與日裔母親的混血家庭,她受到家族金屬及禪學的影響,在 NYFA 作品不同於 TAAC Tribeca 的 Kimono ,以紙鳶的飄零及英日文旁白錄像藝術。

2. Steven BALOGH 是匈牙利裔第一代移民,以他自身地域國家移居的體驗,在 NYFA 的作品特別以自己的護照在難民營及進到美國得到綠卡之間的漂移來反應混亂過程。

3. Yutien Chang  張郁田畢業於布魯克林藝術學院,他在5月22日在紐約 JFK 被美國移民單位直接拒絕入境遣送回臺灣,是活生生的 Caravan 例子,原因是因爲太頻繁來美,導致無法本次展出他的原定三件雕塑作品。

4. Ching Yao CHEN 陳擎耀的紐約系列,在 2009 年在紐約駐村期閒以戲劇性的舞臺式安排,創作十件攝影作品以美國歷史殖民故事,選擇紐約各區域的不同文化餐館及扮演來表現,藝術家自己擔任其中角色呈現出幽默的場景。

5. CHENG, Jen Pei 程仁珮的訪談食物系列,道出每一移居的家庭故事,再重組的食品雕塑型攝影組合。

6. Andrea CORONIL 宏都拉斯的移民第二代,作品以父親及自身成長經驗中在政治各種抗爭的文件及插畫塗寫。

7. Felipe GALINDO 墨西哥移民第一代,他的作品被列入聯邦優秀藝術家,此次展出的「曼哈頓土地」以簡潔的動畫幽默的敘事移民的期待希望。

8. Chemin HSIAO 蕭喆旻的插畫刻畫每天搭乘的地鐵中所觀察到的個人及游民行爲。

9. Mingjer KUO 郭明哲的「行走的人」攝影作品系列,在紐約的行人街口截取不同區域的文化及族群生活特色。

10. Pey-Chwen LIN 林珮淳得以文藝復興時期達文西的機器人的創始來表現生物上人造人的預言在高科技時代的危機,作品可以透過手機來互動。

11. Lulu Meng 孟祥璐作品呈現以自己影像為側影結構性的洞穴式燈箱,敘述移民過程的影響她的人。

12. Lo, Yi-Chuan 羅懿君以藝術書的形式來探索自歐洲的移民歷史及點出些不移居的艱困及存活。

13. Kelly TSAI & Ryan Hartley SMITH 的「在世界找到你的家」的動畫影片,描繪 Americorp 真正在社區的參與故事。

14. Yu-chuan TSENG 曾鈺涓的 365 片「娟」爲名,一年 365 天每日在網路世界中找出的同名頭像再拼圖處理。

15. Pei Shih TU 凃佩詩的作品以拼貼及動畫則反映出殖民的歷史。


Andrea Coronil’s works are based literally on the FBI files on her father, obtained through a Freedom of Information request and made into art. They bear titles such as Dad is An Ali en, Tear Gas, Agreements, and Agents At Grandma's Door . The FBI’s heavy redactions make the documents nearly illegible, yet give them a Kafkaesque dimension. Mylar sheets on these pieces reflect the viewer, questioning the individual’s role in societal attitudes. New thought concatenations can be brought to bear on understanding cultural migration and tradition. Chemin Hsiao draws commuters, tourists, and homeless people - the lonely or abandoned – recording the cruel face of capitalism. Similarly, Yutien Chang comments on social status, and roads not taken in sculptures of broken wings and pigeon-headed human forms. Here, we use a fresh perspective to view small and possibly even isolated pockets of disjointedness, and then interpret them in an international context. Lulu Meng emphasizes duality in response to her situation as an immigrant immersed in American society. Miya Ando’s Japanese-sword-making heritage finds expression in the metallurgical aspect of her artistic practice, as she recreates silk kimonos sewed by her grandmother from dyed, anodized aluminum squares.

The contradictory interaction between local and foreign cultures is satirized by Chen Ching Yao. He plays a costumed role in the His I ❤ New York series which shows figures in native costumes in different ethnic restaurants. Further links between food and culture are traced in Cheng JenPei’s series Recipe evolution movement about cuisine among immigrants from Southeast Asia to Taiwan, melding flavors from both the immigrants’ new environs and from their hometowns, and discussing food choices. The looped videos include Manhatitlan Codex , the animation of Mexican American artist Felipe Gallindo and his humorous exploration of the challenges of the universal immigrant experience. Another superficially simple cartoon with strong cultural content is Kelly Tsai’s and Ryan Hartley Smith’s Find Your Place in the World . Recalling the experiences of Americorps alumni and harking back to the WPA, it examines the role of the individual in society. Using similar methods, Peishih Tu’s digital piece The Adventures in Mount Yu is a colorful fantasia of painting and collage and dramatization of social movements in Taiwan. Images refer to a realistic yet fictional colonial village in Taiwan that participates in modern history.

Cultural changes are not only induced by geographic movement, but also by technological evolution. Yu-Chuan Tseng’s digital artwork 365 faces of Jane is composed of photos taken from the internet of people associated with the word “Jane.” This piece recalls the artist’s ambivalent connection with her English name “Jane” and with the internet itself which projects personas instead of identities. It thus foreshadows the skepticism of Peychwen Lin, whose creation Eve Clone employs Biblical references in her challenge to current modes of use of digital technology.

更多資訊請見 TAAC 官網: 

=General Information=
1.TAAC Tribeca/E. Tay/R. Gallery(台美文藝協會翠貝卡/E Tay/R. Gallery)
Address地址 / 39 White Street, NYC (white & Church St)
Opening開幕酒會 / 2019年5月30日(四)6-8pm
Duration展期 / 2019年5月30日至7月15日

2.New York Foundation for the Arts(NYFA 紐約藝術基金會)
Address地址 / 215 99th Street, NYC (3 Ave & 99 St)
Seminar研討會 / 2019年6月8日(六) 3:30pm-5:30pm
Opening開幕酒會 / 2019年6月8日(六)6-8pm 
Duration展期 / 2019年6月8日 至9月15日

3.El Taller Latino Americano Art Center(紐約拉丁美洲藝術中心)
Address地址 / Jay St, Dumbo, Brooklyn, NY 
Opening開幕酒會 / 2019年5月30日(四)6-8pm
Duration展期 / 2019年5月23日-7月22日

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