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VA VA VOOM x R. GALLERY x ARTIST IAN HSIEH》『藝術融入食尚美學,一種食覺與視覺的奇幻饗宴』

VA VA VOOM x R. GALLERY x ARTIST IAN HSIEH》『藝術融入食尚美學,一種食覺與視覺的奇幻饗宴』

VA VA VOOM x R. GALLERY x ARTIST IAN HSIEH》『藝術融入食尚美學,一種食覺與視覺的奇幻饗宴』

R. Gallery將與「VA VA VOOM」時尚精品餐廳品牌聯名合作,首檔將向各位推薦旅英超極端創意份子─當代藝術家謝清安Ian Hsieh系列前衛作品於餐廳中進行展出,聯手打造獨特的新食尚美學用餐環境。

        全球首創以精品派對為風格餐廳「VA VA VOOM」將於11月18日盛大開幕,座落於橫跨東區、時尚商圈的國父紀念館旁,集結時尚精品、藝術設計、餐飲美學集成的時尚概念,店名在法語有著性感時尚的浪漫意涵,同時也像是超跑的狂野引擎聲,給人一種心情振奮,充滿adrenaline rush!

       本次受邀展出當代藝術家施力仁,亞洲知名藝術家暨策展人,人稱「犀牛老爹」、台灣視覺藝術家安哲(Ahn Zhe) 、國內外知名書法家及藝術家辜琪鈞與藝術家謝清安Ian Hsieh等知名藝術家攜手聯展。


        藝術家謝清安Ian Hsieh,擅長表現充滿時尚與自然美學的超極端創意份子,以油彩流動創作形式出名,2016年6月剛完成的個展便以指甲油作為媒材創作一系列作品,引發藝術圈的兩極評論喧嘩、時尚界的特別關注,作品不僅展現出奇異、時尚、女性美,更以自身愛好的奇幻色彩勾引觀者目光,試圖喚醒現代生活中大家逐漸遺忘的自我異想空間。「VA VA VOOM」開幕記者會暨晚宴當天,藝術家謝清安Ian Hsieh也將受邀出席盛會,為本次展出作品站台,正式對外開幕起歡迎喜愛謝清安Ian Hsieh作品的朋友,自11月19日起相約前往享受一場一場藝術與美食跨界結合的精采食尚秀!

This Friday (November 18th) will see the grand opening of restaurant VA VA VOOM, with artist Ian Hsieh, using his glamorous colors of nail polish as he has fused fashion, beauty, and fantasy into a looking glass that will awake everyone’s forgotten self, VA VA VOOM will be not only a fine restaurant but a place of wonderment since after the opening.

Located close to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, VA VA VOOM will be a place of stylish aesthetics: art, fashion, and gourmet. The name itself sounds as stimulating as the sound of luxury car’s engine and as attractive as a French wild night.

The artist Ian Hsieh is best known for his style of flowing colors and genuine creativity, living and presenting different extremities. You can see him and learn more about him at the opening. 

Click now《VA VA VOOM》
讓生活成為時尚,讓時尚成為美食 - 舌尖上的美學時尚 
"Live for Art. Art for Life." “Your Life Style, Your Fashion Show.”


有關藝術典藏相關專業服務,歡迎洽詢R. Gallery!

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